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How to choose the right event display

Choosing the right event display can make all the difference when it comes to engaging with your audience and boosting your brand presence.

We understand there are so many options and it can become both a little overwhelming and seem expensive to find and create the best display for you. Not matter if you’re preparing to exhibit at a large trade show, outdoor festival or small corporate setting, selecting the right exhibition stand is crucial.

Below we’ve broken down the benefits and uses of different types of event display printing options we offer. Our print catalogue also includes a wide range of further products to suit your requirements.

Types of events displays and their purposes

When choosing your event display it’s helpful to understand the attributes and benefits of each. Below we’ve reviewed some of our most popular products:

Roller Banners

Always a popular option. Roller banners are a compact, retractable banner that’s easy to setup and take time. They’re ideal for events where time and space is limited.

Their affordability and portability make them perfect for trade shows, conferences, retail promotions, and seminars where quick and impactful messaging is key.

Exhibition pop up banners

Larger exhibition graphics are a great choice in larger venues. These displays create a professional and eye-catching booth space that can draw attendees from across the exhibition hall.

Their large, seamless graphics provide a powerful visual impact, making them suitable for trade shows, exhibitions, product launches, and corporate events where making a strong impression is paramount.

Stretch fabric walls

For a modern look, stretch fabric walls are an excellent option. These displays use high-quality fabric stretched over a frame.

They are ideal for corporate presentations, high-end exhibitions, and press events, providing a professional and contemporary appearance that can elevate your brand’s image.

Printed gazebos

Outdoor events call for displays that can withstand the elements, and printed gazebos are perfect for this purpose. They not only provide shelter but also offer ample branding opportunities.

They are ideal for outdoor festivals, fairs, sporting events, and markets, ensuring your brand remains visible and professional regardless of the weather.

Feather flags

Feather flags are tall and catch the wind, making them highly visible from a distance. Their movement draws the eye which makes them ideal for outdoors. Especially positioned outside shops, or at sports events, and various promotional activities where drawing in passersby is essential.

Freestanding light boxes

For events that require a touch of modernity and high visibility, freestanding lightboxes are the go-to choice. These illuminated displays enhance graphics with backlighting, ensuring that your key messages stand out even in dimly lit environments.

Freestanding lightboxes are perfect for trade shows, exhibitions, retail environments, and corporate events, providing a striking and professional display that can captivate your audience.

Matching displays to event types

Choosing the right event display goes beyond understanding the features of each option. It’s crucial to match these displays to the specific type of event you are attending to maximise their impact and effectiveness.

Trade shows are bustling environments

Exhibition pop-ups are a fantastic choice for these events. Their large, seamless graphics create a strong visual impact, drawing attendees to your booth. Pairing them with stretch fabric walls can enhance your booth’s professional appearance, providing a sleek, modern look.

Freestanding lightboxes can also add an extra dimension, using backlit graphics to highlight key messages and products, ensuring your booth remains visible even in low-light.

Outdoor events provide unique challenges

Outdoor events present unique challenges, including exposure to the elements.

Printed gazebos are perfect for these situations, offering shelter and branding opportunities while being durable enough to withstand various weather conditions. Feather flags complement gazebos well, as their movement in the wind attracts attention from afar.

Flag printing of any type are particularly effective at fairs, sporting events, and festivals, where visibility from a distance is crucial.

Corporate events require professionalism

Stretch fabric walls and fabric pop-ups are excellent choices here. These displays provide high-quality, vibrant graphics that enhance the event’s overall look.

Freestanding lightboxes can be used to highlight specific information or products, adding a contemporary look whilst also ensuring that key messages stand out.

 These displays are ideal for corporate presentations, press events, and high-end exhibitions where a polished, professional appearance is essential.

Small conferences and seminars require ease of use

Smaller events like conferences and seminars require displays that are easy to transport and set up quickly. Roller banners and fabric pop-ups are excellent choice.

They offer a professional look without taking up too much space and can be set up by a single person within minutes. These displays are perfect for workshops, educational seminars, and networking events where space and time are limited.

Retail displays need to be space efficient

Roller banners are ideal for these settings due to their compact size and ease of setup. They can be placed strategically to draw attention to special offers or new products.

Freestanding lightboxes can also be effective in retail environments, providing illuminated graphics that catch the eye and highlight promotional content.

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